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Saturday, 6 October 2007

Secret Marketing Strategies Exposed!

The following article includes five secret marketing strategies. The most important thing is to study each marketing strategy with an open mind. The more you understand about any strategy, the more useful and beneficial it will be. A careful reading of these strategies could really make a big difference in your profits.

1. The "Sell And Raise" Strategy

The "make at least (no.) affiliate sales and I'll add another $(no.) commission to each sale..." strategy tells your prospects that they can make a higher commission rate if they reach your sales goal. It will really motivate them to promote your affiliate program and give them something to strive for.

2. The "Reader Warning" Strategy

The "warning: just reading this letter could give you (a physical reaction)..." strategy tells your prospects that reading your sales letter could give them chills down their spine, goose bumps, the shakes, etc. People will want to read it to see what type of information could possibly do this to them.

3. The "Negotiation" Strategy

The "after hours of negotiating I finally talked (business person's name) into giving you a special deal..." strategy tells your prospects you gave up a lot of your personal time to get them a discount. They will appreciate that and likely respond to the time you gave up to save them some money.

4. The "Beta Version" Strategy

The "if you order the beta version now, you will get a (no.)% discount..." strategy tells your prospects they will get a copy of your product that might contain a few bugs but will be cheaper. You could always tell them they will get the final version of your product when it's complete.

5. The "Do The Math" Strategy

The "quality product + affordable price = great value..." strategy tells your prospects a single math equation that will help them understand just how good of a deal you are offering. Sometimes presenting your offer as something other than a normal sales pitch will persuade them to buy.

I hope that reading all five of these strategies was both educational and inspiring for you. The day will come when one or more of these strategies will have a beneficial impact on your business.

Keep in mind that marketing can change over time, so be sure you keep up to date with the latest marketing strategies. The more you know about marketing, the more successful you will become.

by Larry Dotson


Grab 500 Secret Marketing Strategies For NO Cost!

Friday, 5 October 2007

Revealed - The Secrets of the Internet Marketer

Dear Fellow Marketers,

Today I bring to the table a brand new package by Jason Oickle.

Marketing Secrets Unleashed

This is not just any free package though. You see, Jason was getting sick and tired of all the lies and false promises that these so called guru's try to feed you online.

So, Jason has put together an incredible package that will teach you exactly what it takes to become successfull on the internet. He is not your average marketer either, Jason really does care about your success. here is a brief overview of whats included in this package:

  • Several powerful reports that are rebrandable with your affiliate link.

  • A lead sucking squeeze page with each report.

  • 2 hot resale rights products per month.

  • A mega profit earning potential.

  • And much more!

These reports are packed to the brim with pure-beef, no-fat, hard-hitting content.

Your about to discover how to:

    • Create a squeeze page that sucks is subscribers like an anteater on steroids.

    • Turn your customers into a long term goldmine.

    • Stop petty commission thieves in their tracks.

    • Drive unlimited targeted traffic to your website.

    • Triple your profits with backend sales.

    • Use the power of leverage.

    • And much, much more!

What else can I say other than go check it out for yourself and use it to build your list and earn passive commissions at the same time!

See for yourself at: Marketing Secrets Unleashed

I will see you there.

Kind Regards,

Kenneth McPherson

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Lead Generation Techniques

Social Networking Sites - An Overview

Business is on the face of it “Sales driven”, while networking, we are told is NOT?
And you believe that to be true? Well let me explain a little more to clarify.

Ultimately all business is about relationships and Social Network sites enable you to create those through the various tools and site features that exist on them; such as Messaging, Forums, dedicated online messaging chat (voip), Blogs and Advertising. So they all have facilities to initiate the process of creating new relationships and the approach here is no different to how you would begin offline. The techniques are adaptable from one context to the other with slight technological changes required to deal with the fact you are not standing face to face with the person. The Virtual Network is as in “real-life” one of skill and knowledge and in order to progress you have to learn these “techniques” to move towards the goals you have. The tools of engagement remain the same relatively but with some modification to match the demands of technology.

Messaging can consist of Text, Images, Audio files (.mp3, podcast), links to Video Files so in effect you have a full range of tools at your disposal and it’s down to your imagination what kind of opening gambit you wish to bring into play as you search for new contacts to engage with.

Forums are in effect Topic driven messaging where you will be posting to a preset defined area and this allows you to target your message to specific areas, many however have strict rules on how you may post and blatant spamming and url posting is not acceptable. The etiquette of Forum posting is outlined on the sites and a read of these beforehand will avoid pain and suffering in the future. Failure to do so may result in removal of the entry, or worse a complete ban from the site. So be warned and keep to the rules when using Forums if you plan to make effective use of these types of sites.

As well as the external chat systems like Yahoo and Skype many if not all of the Social Networking sites now offer an instant messaging system to chat with users who are online at the same time as you and are an extremely powerful tool when used with the correct level of diplomacy and messaging skill.

Blogs are an absolute goldmine with the range of Templates available to match content and the ability to present a ready made marketing scenario that is again, just a matter of imagination and creative skills in the area of writing and visual formatting.
Blogging - to begin building these type of sites you must register and open an account such as Blogger or WordPress who have a range of Templates to suit the needs of most from Business to purely fanatic level. Online Publishing is now an extremely rich area with many who would previously have remained as unknown now in the domain of “writers” and able to present articles across a whole range of subjects.

Advertising is in the cold light of day commercially driven and is designed to present items or services for sale with the persuasive use of images and text, and by it’s nature, the Internet has Advertising included across many of it’s locations from Direct e-Mail, and sites which include Google Ads or Adsense (small text only type), Classified (Directory Type), and Banner Ads which most users will recognise as the variably sized blocks of sometimes animated “gifs” and static visual images that reside on their visited websites. You can pay through the nose for Advertising and it’s value is in how much you are able to convert the responses, or if you get responses at all so the variables and success are quite widely margined if you are not sure what’s going on and the follow-up employed lacks effectiveness. So take heed of any tips that you are able to garner from colleagues who have used a service previously and can advise on its response levels.

The above is not an exhaustive level of information on the whole gamut of Social Networking techniques but is simply a taster to what is a rich and varied subject that can be further broken down for analysis and debate. Thanks for reading this far and I look forward to your continued interest.

Approaches to Marketing

The underlying principle in marketing your business effectively is to primarily “monetize” for maximum return in Internet parlance. The variety of methods open to you is at first bewildering with a host of techniques and sites all vying to get your business.

The fundamentals of successful Marketing are based on the following characteristics:-

· Design
· Content
· Consistency
· Honesty/Integrity
· Branding
· Niche

Design provides a context for the successful fusion of elements brought to the business table. Without clear design led solutions marketing for me falls short of a successful exercise and one destined to fail in my eyes.

It is the basis for your Content and one cannot be seen without the other as it is the central hub of putting the whole show on the road. Having a solid foundation for your marketing is the rock on which it all hinges.

You must have Consistency or else again you’re likely to fail at some point in the formation of your marketing plan and is the overwhelming requirement across all aspects of the campaign. You don’t plan to fail – do you?

Honesty and Integrity should shine through your Marketing Plan if your prospect is to feel comfortable with what you have to offer. It cannot shed a ray of doubt on your ability to come up smelling of roses.

Branding is a re-enforcing of the whole and a means to producing an overall familiarity for the user to identify with and through the product, or use of the service.

The ability to create a Niche allows you to dominate in an area where a competitor can match at best but never overtake as you are looking to maintain your share of that market segment.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Squeeze Page Design

Have you ever used a Squeeze Page to promote your business?

Never heard of Squeeze Pages, well I am going to present you with my ideas and experience of developing a page which I have spent the last few days creating.

Squeeze Page is a web-page at the most basic level comprising diverse elements, text, graphics (still and video), sound (music or speech content) that act as your doorway to the business being promoted. The final result is simply a collection device for leads to be contacted by you or linked to your autoresponder, the preferred option depending on how much exposure your Squeeze page has.

Developing your
Squeeze Page is a craft and when created with the subtlety that you wish to convey to the intended target audience is a tool that has immense power. As a designer it's my responsibility to ensure I make the best use of colour, text, graphics and any other media I have access to such as audio or video with the intention of creating an extremely powerful statement when presented to the viewer. The page then needs to say enough to encourage an enquiry, but not so much as to make a final decision, while the follow-up process utilising an autoresponder will complete that part of the information gathering required to do so.

The components of the
Squeeze Page as defined fall into the following component areas:-

Media Element

Your Headline should be attention grabbing and have general interest to a broad spectrum of the intended viewer ship.

The Media Element can be a photograph from your HD e.g. .jpg, an audio .mp3 file, a video .wav and the use of the last two are particularly useful should you have access to suitable material.

The Feature is the main focus after the Headline to entice the reader to want to find out more about what you have to offer. I recommend economy and the use of bullet points to summarise your main arguments.

Your Captions form the text below your Media area so again I primarily use short bulleted statements to sharpen the focus of the information given.

Your Offer is a succinct piece to convey your integrity and wish to assist your prospect with their involvement with the business and then you finally add the Policy that covers the use of the information provided by the prospect.

It should also be remembered that a
Squeeze Page without any kind of embedded context driven information is something of a needle in a haystack and therein lies it's problem which is overcome in the system created by Matthew Glanfield of providing an area to add articles and editorial material so that search engines have a means to flag the content of your page. He describes this as making the page Google friendly.

You have the option with the
Matthew Glanfield system to use the sites own Storage facility that will retain the names and e-mail address submitted. But ideally you would want to link the input to your Autoresponder and this can be one you already have in your marketing armoury or I can recommend one that is very cost effective.

Matthew has established an awesome business over the last few years which have established
SqueezePage 2.0 as a primary tool in the field of online marketing and combined with the other essentials should be regarded as a must have in your quest to build your list that lies at the core of your business.

Success Is Yours For The Taking!
Kenneth McPherson

Think Positively

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Saturday, 11 August 2007

I Love To Talk - Socially, Of Course!!

The current growth of Social Networking sites shows that the art of conversation, but more broadly, communication has not died as a result of computer's taking over the role of the telephone combining with the like of Skype, MSN, Yahoo and Google with their VOIP telephony. The phone networks must be wondering where their revenues are going as the hordes of users migrate to this form of online chat. Added to that we now have sites now bundling video messaging to add to the bland text only e-mail previously superceded by the use of HTML.

In addition it has now spawned a new and more specialised form of social/game/play networking as seen with the newly launched uVme, and so more classifying of target markets will occur as these genre driven sites develop. The previous requirement was simply a business decision while now you have a choice to make if you are driven by the genre which the site is directing it's visitors to.

Get Paid for Page Views and it's FREE.

The Professional side of networking with real business people.

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Thursday, 2 August 2007

Squidoo - An Online Goldmine

If you are new to the Internet then perhaps the word Squidoo suggests some kind of disease that you'd rather not have to deal with. When in actual fact as a writer, an artist or someone with a knowledge on any subject or topic of interest, it provides a means to present that to the world combining it with additional media, RSS feeds and context driven ads from Google. Since my own discovery of the medium I have gone on to create around 20 such "Lenses", that's the title given to an individual Squidoo site, ranging across my business, creative and leisure interests.

Check out my work on Squidoo and start your own series of Lenses it's FREE to register and you can use the sites as a means to generate traffic to your main site, blog or Forum.

Some of my Lenses for you to visit:-

Begin your Squidoo journey today while your ideas are clear in your mind and remain fresh for your creative process to bring them forth.

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Monday, 30 July 2007

Developing an Online Strategy

The Internet is perhaps the most phenomenal invention of the 20th Century as it thrusts its content and dynamic media into the myriad websites with the skills of the many thousands of online artists, writers and generally creative people who inhabit its "space". I for one couldn't live without it's vibrant daily message springing forth via the Instant Messengers; Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and Skype to name a few of the one's I currently use for the purpose of communication, sharing my ideas and thoughts across the globe.

I discovered online "comms" back around 1987 when it was very non-graphical by comparison with today's visually rich experience and I very much appreciate the advances that have occurred in those intervening years. To make the whole environment one that really explodes into your face through the now required Flat Screen Monitor which sits before me. In the dark days of the humble 1200/75 baud modem plodding through it's ASCII coded messages that bounded character by character in what seemed a then blistering speed onto the 80 Column Monochrome Monitor. That is the perspective many of us in the "silver surf" brigade have behind us and can only now marvel at the range of media now at our disposal, Flash Video, Digital Sound via mp3 players, Our complete record collection accessible at the press of a few keys and a Text Library how many million times the size of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Scale and simplicity remain the most basic requirement of the online marketer, by which I mean access to millions of things but the ability to channel the information in bite-size chunks to our Hard Drive where we can digest and make use of the content as and when required. I was given the recent document "The Manifesto" and the Audio by Rich Shefren and Jay Abraham "The Attention Age" and this is very much the modus operandi of the online marketer as they try and cut through the massive clutter that prevails in the online world.

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